Friday, June 11, 2010

It is my decision after all.....

The rest of the way to the Mackinaw Bridge is mapped out utilizing the National Park system and this park is closed. What now? I checked my phone and much to my surprise I had one bar. I might be able to get through to Diane.

Much to my relief she answered on my first try and we had decent reception. I had to explain to her the seriousness of my situation. The parks are closed, it is getting down into the mid 20's tonight, I am to tired to walk another 5 miles without even knowing if there is a motel anywhere near and I am wet and cold.

I am sure she could tell that I was nearing the end of my rope. I asked her to look up the National Parks and find out if the other parks I would need are open and if the camping restrictions were only at this park.

She called back about fifteen minutes later with the news that the other parks in my area did not open for another five days. With all of my planning, all the people I had talked to and after talking to a Forest Ranger just yesterday I had never found out that the parks did not open until later. I am feeling foolish.

I could hole up in a motel for 5 days after another 24 hrs exposed to the elements or I could go home.

Humiliated, cold and tired I began trying to ask Diane if she would pick me up. It would be close to a four hour drive. I was beating around the bush because I am not comfortable asking her to do this the day before Mother's day. She had plans with the children and what I was asking her to do would mess them up.

She let me off the hook as soon as she figured out I thought it was time to come home. I do love that girl so!

She said she would be on her way in about an hour. It was 5:00 p.m. now and that would make it around 10:00 p.m. and after dark before she would arrive. With everything so wet I can only hope to start a fire.

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